Black & White

Chapter 2: Different color mode & how to interchange between them Use of history palette Manipulate the size of an ima...

Chapter 2 & 3

Chapter 2:
Different color mode & how to interchange between them
Use of history palette
Manipulate the size of an image

Color: All colors that we can see is called visible spectrum and all colors that can be produced by a process or device is called the gamut. There are different types of color mode:

RGB color is used to create digital images

CMYK is used for printing purposes

History Palette:
Undo any mistake
Compare the changes

Manipulation of image size:
For changing an on-screen image size go to image > image size

Chapter 3:
Use of brush tool
How to blend colors using gradient tool
Use of eraser tool

Gradient tool:
Angular radial

Eraser tool:

Background layer – paints with the background color
Normal layer – erases all data, making that area transparent